The Believer's Daily Remembrancer by James Smith
"The Lord is my portion." Lam 3:24
HOW poor is the worldling's possession, if compared with the Christian's portion; it is but for a few days; it cannot satisfy, it cannot bless. But, beloved, Jehovah hath given up Himself; He say, "I AM YOUR INHERITANCE." We are ever with Him, and all He has is ours. His power is ours to support us, His wisdom to guide us, His love to comfort us, His mercy to relieve us, His goodness to supply us, His justice to defend us, His covenant to secure us, and His heaven to receive us. He is a suitable, sufficient, and immutable portion. We are to live upon Him, draw from Him, rejoice in Him, and look to Him for all we need. For Him we renounce all other; to His glory all our efforts must be directed, and with Him we must daily walk. Men cannot deprive us of our portion, fire cannot consume it, nor rust corrupt it; let us not therefore be much affected by any thing that occurs below: if the streams are dried, the fountain remains; if creatures fail or deceive us, our God is the portion of our inheritance and of our cup; He maintains our lot, He is our strength, and OUR PORTION FOR EVER.
Begone, ye gilded vanities,
I seek the only GOOD;
To real bliss my wishes rise,
Thy love, my God, my portion be,
And let me find my all in Thee