Monday, January 28, 2013


So how do you define success?

If you were an actress, you may define it in terms of getting a big part and becoming "famous." If you were a businessman you may define it in terms of huge profits. If you were a baseball team, you may define it in terms of winning the World Series. But if you have the heart of a missionary, you define it in terms of seeing a group of people whom you've been ministering to, gathered around an open Bible praying to the one true God.

Such is the case of a young man who came to preach the Word yesterday and give a presentation to our church of his hopes and dreams to serve God in the "uttermost parts of the world." He and his wife and two small children will be leaving to go to live in a place that not many folks go to for vacation. In April, they're moving to Papua, New Guinea. Why are they going to this remote part of the world and leaving the comforts of America? Why to preach the gospel there; to try to reach the unreached, that's why.

As he said in his sermon yesterday, the Triune God will accomplish the task of Missions. It's guaranteed. How exactly this will work out in this young man's life  and ministry we can't know yet. But I certainly will be praying for his family and certainly do wish him success.