Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dear Soul, Be Still

Be still! Just now be still!
Something thy soul hath never heard,
Something unknown to any song of bird,
Something unknown to any wind, or wave, or star,
A message from the Fatherland afar,
That with sweet joy the homesick soul shall thrill,
Cometh to thee if thou canst but be still.

"Be still! Just now be still!
There comes a presence very mild and sweet;
White are the sandals of His noiseless feet.
It is the Comforter whom Jesus sent
To teach thee what the words He uttered meant.
The willing, waiting spirit, He doth fill.
If thou would'st hear His message,
Dear soul, be still!



Susan said...

How nice to have the same word confirmed twice in one day.

God is speaking.

Hope you enjoyed your special day Maxine.

You're a blessing♥

Mimi said...

We cannot hear Him speaking to us until we slow down and "Be Still"
great poem with a wonderful lesson for each of us...