The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree,
He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
Those who are planted in the house of the LORD
Shall flourish in the courts of our God.
They shall still bear fruit in old age;
They shall be fresh and flourishing.
Psalm 92:12-14
After I reached a certain age, this passage of Scripture became an inspiration. And this weekend I met a couple of people who are living these verses in a way that made me all the more ready to press on for as long as the Lord allows. We had a short Bible Conference at our church this weekend and our special guests were a man and his wife who worked as missionaries in the middle east from the years 1955-2000. Before that he was an archaeologist. Through the years, he's done extensive work translating and teaching the arabic language. Dr. K. told us that he left his work in the middle east when he was seventy years old. The way I compute this, he's now seventy-seven, and his wife must be close behind since they met in college.
His wife was with him yesterday as he led the conference sessions; both of them were all about among the people getting to know young and old alike. Today he came alone while she "covered" for both of them at something that was happening at their church. Tomorrow, he's headed to New York to take care of some business for a Christian organization of which he's just been made chairman. Whew. You had to be there to see all of the energy and enthusiasm these two folks have for the work of the Lord.
Need I say more? I just wanted to tell you about them so you might be encouraged--especially you--my fellow nannas, poppops, grammies, grandmoms, grandpas, etc., etc., etc.