I don't know what to say, but something has happened to time. It has accelerated. It's eating up the hours, days, weeks, months, and years at a much more rapid pace. Is it just me or are you noticing it too? Have you noticed that something that you thought happened just a week ago was actually a month before? How about when you think something happened last year and it was really two, maybe even three years back? Well, I looked and saw how long it's been since I made the last post here and was flabbergasted. And just when I wanted to try to make more posts, more little brief stops. Oh well, such it is when time flies. John Milton had it right, though:
Fly envious
Time, till thou run out thy race,
Call on the lazy leaden-stepping hours,
Whose speed is but the heavy
Plummet's pace;
And glut thyself with what thy womb devours,
Which is no more than what is false and vain,
And merely mortal dross;
So little is our loss,
So little is thy gain.
For when as each thing bad thou hast
Then long Eternity shall greet our bliss
With an individual kiss;
And Joy shall overtake us as a flood,
When everything that is sincerely good
And perfectly divine,
With Truth, and Peace, and Love, shall ever shine
About the supreme Throne
Of him,
t'whose happy-making sight alone,
When once our
heav'nly-guided soul shall climb,
Then all this Earthy grossness quit,
Attir'd with Stars, we shall for ever sit,
Triumphing over Death, and Chance, and thee
O Time.
~ John Milton - 1633